Thriving Tuesday: How to Raise Resilient Children

Thriving Tuesday: How To Raise Resilient Children

Thriving Tuesday: How To Raise Resilient Children

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Thriving Tuesday: How To Raise Resilient Children

Thriving Tuesday: How to Raise Resilient Children

Thriving Tuesday: How To Raise Resilient Children

Dear Parents,

We cordially invite you to attend a parenting workshop designed to help you in raising up resilient and confident kids on 29th August, 2023, 7pm. It’s a special collaboration with Focus on the Family Malaysia.

Free admission (seats are limited).

Sign up now :

We live in an increasingly fast-paced and competitive society and the pressure to keep up with constant changes could leave our children feeling panic-stricken and overwhelmed. Participants will discover how to help children build mental and emotional resilience through the inevitable bumps in life. 

The session includes:
• Understanding common stressors that children face
• Applying parenting principles to build our children’s resilience and confidence
• Applying techniques to help our children cope with stress

Speaker: Marie-Elena Isaac
Marie-Elena serves as a Marriage & Parenting Manager in Focus on the Family Malaysia. She has a Masters in Psychology and worked as a corporate trainer prior to joining FOFM. She speaks on various marriage, parenting, and family topics. She also has experience in soft skills training such as time management, stress management, and leadership skills. She has a passion to educate couples and parents on the important role the family plays in ensuring a healthy and thriving society. Marie is married to Jeremy and they have two children.

Date: 29th August 2023 7:00PM • eatXdignity cafe, Sentul

6.45 pm to 7 pm –Registration and welcome

7.00pm to 7.45pm – Session 1

7.45pm to 7.50pm – Break

7.50pm to 8.30 pm – Session 2

8.30pm to 8.45 pm – Q & A & wrap up

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